Decoding the Style Profile

Decoding the Style Profile 

At Front Door Fashion, it’s our mission to help every woman look and feel her best in every outfit she wears. We’ve got a simple process that lets our stylists get to know you, so they can send you a box filled with must-have clothing and accessories, all to your taste and in your size. Really, it’s how shopping should’ve been all along.

But before you get started, let us tell you a little bit about the process. Before you can receive a Style Box or visit us for a Style Session, you’ve got to fill out out Style Profile. Now don’t worry, it’s a breeze! Here, we break down exactly what the Style Profile is, and how you can get the most from it:

Your Style Profile
Your Style Profile is the first place we look to learn about your personal style and what you are looking for. The key is that the more direction you give us the better! In your Style Profile you should talk to us about:
Your Body: You have to be honest. About your weight, about your sizes, and about your age! Our Style Profile sometimes feels like a standardized test because that’s kind of what it is. We need to know as much about you as possible to get your box right. If you wish you were a 4, but you’re really a 6 you have to tell us you’re a 6. Unless you want us to send you a 4 and then you’re going to feel bad when you try it on and it’s too small. Don’t worry – we’re the only ones who see this info!
Scenarios and Events: Let us know in your Style Profile if you have any specific events or scenarios for which we should be styling you. Phrases such as “I’m going on my honeymoon to France” or “I need professional outfits for work” or “I need casual pieces to wear on the weekends” give us very helpful direction in building your box. Sometimes the best time to request a box is for a vacation!
Where you’re going: Speaking of vacation, styling for your out of town adventures is a very popular box request! If we’re styling you for a trip, let us know where you’re headed! The difference between whether you’re headed to an island (sun dresses!) or Alaska (sweaters!) makes a big difference in the pieces we select.
Your style crushes: If there are celebs or bloggers whose personal style you LOVE and want to emulate, let us know!
Also be sure to update your profile frequently! The best time to do this is right after you receive your box so your style notes are fresh in your mind.
Leave Us Feedback
Here is what’s helpful to hear:

• Tell us WHY: We need to know why you didn’t like certain pieces. Simply saying “this was not my style” doesn’t give us a sense of what actually IS your style. Let us know things like “I did not like the pattern, fit, color, or fabric” so we can make sure to avoid it the next time around.
• This would have worked IF: Feel free to use this statement directly and fill in the blank for why a piece didn’t work for you. Often times we send pieces that were close to working, but we need to know what minor tweaks could be made so we can fix it the next time around.

Other things to remember…
• We like to push you a little: our goal is to enhance your wardrobe with on-trend pieces and essentials and our stylists are here to help you learn how to style them. We send several outfits, and sometimes we like to send you something we know might be a little out of your comfort zone. Not comfortable with it? Just let us know! Didn’t think you would be, but loved it when you tried it on? Let us know that too!
• You can request, but we can’t guarantee: We love posting pictures of our inventory on Facebook, and we also love it when you request a specific look you saw! We always do our best to include the exact look you requested, but we are limited to what inventory we have. If we don’t have exactly what you requested, we will put something similar in there, and remember – if you don’t like it there is no obligation to buy it!

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